Reasons to Choose an Independent Dental Hygienist
🦷 As independent Registered Dental Hygienists, we follow the ODHA fee guide which is typically 10-30% less than the fee guide of general practice dental offices.
🦷 Your dental insurance can be submitted on your behalf and we accept assignment of benefits whereas many dental offices don't.
🦷 No drills + no needles = no anxiety. Many people suffer from dental anxiety from negative past experience in a dental office.
🦷 We offer customized service. We recommend client specific treatment plans based on the specific needs of each individual, so it's personalized care.
🦷 We can book more time with the patient to allow proper and thorough care to assess, diagnose, treat and educate properly.
🦷 Your appointment will never feel rushed or like you are a part of a production line.
🦷 We are not under time pressure or restraints and we can allow as much time as we require to provide you with the most thorough care.
🦷 We aren't incentivized by production goals or upselling to "achieve a rank" amongst a team like most dental offices do.
🦷 No pressure to have x-rays or dental exams at your appointments, and no pressure to buy additional treatments or products, we are here to strictly provide care, however it is a recommendation to still see your dentist annually for these services
Come and experience for yourself the difference that an Independent Dental Hygienist has to offer!
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